Being bestowed with the role of motherhood, especially for the very first time, can be a bittersweet experience for most women. Your abilities as a mom will be put to the test all your life as long as you live from the day you give birth to your child and the first few months might probably be the hardest. You need all the medical assistance, help and advice you can get. You will definitely face a number of challenges as you start your journey into motherhood and each situation needs to be dealt with a lot of care because every decision you make will affect your baby. Here are a few helpful tips to get you through the toughest of times;

Dealing with the Physical Pain

A private hospital obstetrician will best be able to educate you and guide you on what to be expected after giving birth. Depending on the method of childbirth you have been recommended by your doctor, the procedures, medication, steps to recovery and follow-up processes will be different. Especially if you have been recommended a caesarean incision, the procedure is a bit more complicated than normal childbirth, so make sure you get the correct and complete instructions from your private hospital obstetrician in Westmead well in advance of the date of delivery. It will be painful no matter how hard or easy a delivery you have, but all of that pain and fatigue will fade away when you lay your eyes on your new-born babe for the first time.

Feeling like You Can’t Keep Up

Once the delivery procedure is completed, the world will start to move faster than ever before. One minute the nurses around you will be smiling, congratulating you and the next minute they will be giving you advice in all seriousness. You will see family and friends coming in and going out, and your baby will be brought to you for feeding and afterwards be taken away. When you get back home, things will move even faster. The weekly and monthly check-ups, vaccinations, book for clinic appointments, etc. will come and go in quick progression and on top of that, you need to take care of yourself and be a full-time mummy at the same time. All of this will become normal to you in a few days and the best thing to do is to just keep going and to absorb and enjoy every single minute of it. If you fall behind and feel disheartened, it will take a lot of time to recover from it and this will affect your relationship with your baby.

Worrying about Not Making It

One of the main causes of post-natal depression in new mothers has been recognised as worrying. Worry makes you doubt yourself and your capabilities as a parent, which leads to emotional instability and depression in the long term. It is agreed that motherhood is no simple role and the duties and responsibilities that come along with it should at no point be taken lightly. But that does not mean that you need to get frustrated about how to complete the tasks at hand day in and day out. Try to get all the help you can, and if there isn’t much help around, speak to your doctor about how to deal with things on your own as best as you can. The baby in your arms that is crying out for your attention is yours and no one else’s. So take on the role of its mother with confidence and pride.