With the onset of the flu season you may be encouraged by your family, friends and doctors to get an injection in order to be safe from flu. You may shy away from the needle, and load up on Vitamin C and other immune-system boosters. However, availing of a flu shot is a very effective ways to prevent an infection that could potentially lead to harsher respiratory system infections. Below we have provided you with some reasons as to why a flu shot is always a good idea to have:

You should be doing it provided that you are determined not to fall ill this year, you should be making every effort not to catch the bug, and this includes getting the quadrivalent influenza vaccine shot. You must be safe from it because you may be source of flu for those who have low immune system or get caught by bugs very easily.

It may be covered: Based on your medical scheme, you may be covered for preventative quadrivalent influenza vaccine including flu shots. If you don’t have to pay for then there is no reason as to why you should not be brave to face the small needle!

Flu-related complications: Despite the fact that the flu vaccine may not prevent you from catching the flu entirely, you will not be a victim of the virus as severely if you do catch it. An antibiotic may not treat many of the strains of flu. On getting serious you may find yourself suffering from an infection such as pneumonia, bronchitis and even any other respiratory-related illnesses that will require antibiotics and time off work.

You are also likely to pass the illness onto more vulnerable people: Irrespective of the fact that you may be having a strong immune system and can fight the infection quickly, you may infect many people, your near and dears with immune-system deficiencies such as HIV, those suffering from chronic illnesses and young children. It is quite a fact that the chance of being falling in to these categories is high. Therefore in order to protect them, you should also get your flu shot annually.

It’s safe: Previously, the flu vaccination could cause mild flu-like symptoms. Nowadays the effects aren’t that obvious and the worst reaction you may have is a bit of pain at the injection site. You will also not be having any sort of an allergic reaction to the components of the shot.

With the above mentioned reasons, you can easily see for yourself as to why you should be getting your annual flu jab. You can consult your doctor about available flu vaccines, and get in touch with your medical aid provider to see whether or not they will cover the cost. If they don’t, fear not! Due to its availability, you can easily get the flu shots.